How to put slideshow javascript to your website

i want to share this script for you want to using slideshow to your site

i usually use this slideshow, its easy to use and dynamic, can manually setting

this script using  jquery , you can download at or you can download here

Ultimate Fade-in slideshow

Download this stuff

Script ultimate

Step 1

Simply add the below code inside the <HEAD> section of the page:

<script type=”text/javascript” src=””></script&gt;

<script type=”text/javascript” src=”fadeslideshow.js”>

<script type=”text/javascript”>

var mygallery=new fadeSlideShow({
wrapperid: “fadeshow1”, //ID of blank DIV on page to house Slideshow
dimensions: [250, 180], //width/height of gallery in pixels. Should reflect dimensions of largest image
imagearray: [
[“;, “”, “”, “Nothing beats relaxing next to the pool when the weather is hot.”],
[“;, “;, “_new”, “Some day I’d like to explore these caves!”],
[“;, “”, “”, “What a beautiful scene with everything changing colors.”] //<–no trailing comma after very last image element!
displaymode: {type:’auto’, pause:2500, cycles:0, wraparound:false},
persist: false, //remember last viewed slide and recall within same session?
fadeduration: 500, //transition duration (milliseconds)
descreveal: “ondemand”,
togglerid: “”

var mygallery2=new fadeSlideShow({
wrapperid: “fadeshow2”, //ID of blank DIV on page to house Slideshow
dimensions: [250, 180], //width/height of gallery in pixels. Should reflect dimensions of largest image
imagearray: [
[“;, “”, “”, “Nothing beats relaxing next to the pool when the weather is hot.”],
[“;, “;, “_new”, “Some day I’d like to explore these caves!”],
[“;, “”, “”, “What a beautiful scene with everything changing colors.”] //<–no trailing comma after very last image element!
displaymode: {type:’manual’, pause:2500, cycles:0, wraparound:false},
persist: false, //remember last viewed slide and recall within same session?
fadeduration: 500, //transition duration (milliseconds)
descreveal: “always”,
togglerid: “fadeshow2toggler”



Step 2

Then, insert the following sample HTML for 2 sample Fade In slideshows:

<div id=”fadeshow1″></div>

<br />

<div id=”fadeshow2″></div>

<div id=”fadeshow2toggler” style=”width:250px; text-align:center; margin-top:10px”>
<a href=”#”><img src=”; style=”border-width:0″ /></a>  <span style=”margin:0 50px; font-weight:bold”></span> <a href=”#”><img src=”; style=”border-width:0″ /></a>

check this original link


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